4 tips on putting the perfect drip together: with Jeho Created

You cannot talk new school fashion without mentioning Jehoada Adamu (Jeho Created). When he drips; everyone drowns.

With over 22,000 followers, a myriad stunning looks on his Instagram feed, and the wits to go with it, he’s certainly one to look out for in the fashion scene. A true drip Prince!

We sat (well actually DMed him at 2 am – Welcome to the new age of reporting) with him and learned 4 tips to help put a good drip together.

1.It’s in the shoes. ‘So for me personally, for every good look, the shoes are very important. You have to make sure your shoe compliments your clothes’. Jeho is not about to be caught wearing shoes that are not matching. For him, they certainly add to the magic and we can definitely see how.

2. Accessories. Jeho most definitely thinks that accessories are the spice of any look. ‘I think people don’t know how accessories can make a simple outfit look so attractive’.

We cannot agree any less with this, and he himself has proved this to be true, time and time again.

3. Personal care/looks. Jeho believes that your deportment, even before considering the clothes, can affect the overall look. ‘Looks also matter…I have had times when I’m tired and you can actually see it on my face and my pictures turn out terrible, so being able to take care of your face and body is very essential’.

Well, Jeho certainly knows what he’s talking about with this picture 👇

4. Play around with colours. Something that men have overtime, traditionally not explored, Jeho believes they can make a good drip.

‘A lot of people don’t like to play with colours cause it can turn out horrible or the fear of mixing it wrong’. He however, thinks that you try them out, and you’d get used to them.

‘Once you leave your comfort zone and play with colours, it will really put you on a new path in fashion’.

We went ahead to ask him about patterns, but apparently, he’s yet to really experiment with them.

‘I love patterns but at the same time I haven’t really gotten the chance to experiment with them…but I will definitely work on pattern fits cause they are fire. We look forward to seeing those fire pattern drips.

Lastly, we asked about traditional attires, as his feed is filled with mostly street wear, and a few corporate looks. Apparently, he’s cooking something up.

‘Lol very soon…I have content planned out for that, I like traditional attires but I just grew up not wearing them’.

We certainly await this content!

Categories: Fashion
Tags: Fashion