5 Ideal gifts for that car Enthusiast

5 Ideal gifts for your car Enthusiast this Valentine

Valentine and Flowers is that season, well where it is said to show love and I wonder what Christmas was, so it’s probably all a scam I guess, ignore me but showing love is something we should make part of our selves, you know if we all loved each other and put the attention we put to Val to our everyday life so sure life would be so easy, so probably this time they are a lot of roses going around and there is that special person you would want to spend it with anyway, if you have a that friend like me you have a friend who is a lover of anything car like me,( just that I don’t have a car yet), and this have no idea what to gift them, here  are something you should consider getting for that friend.

  1. Custom Fit Car Mat

to be honest if there’s one gift that would make that special can’t forget it’s a car made, and when its customize for their personality, that’s is one thins everybody wishes for and even a non-car lover won’t return such, like picture yourself having a custom foot mat for your car. And if you want to be very nice you can get other items like steering covers, seat covers, headrest covers and other’s accessories to make a drive worth it.

  1. Quality Cleaning Products

As little it might be but getting original and quality products to clean our cars is not easy to come back and helping that your favorite goes further in getting a quality products to keep the car neat is another favor that can’t be overlooked like a car vacuum, duster and leather polish.

  1. Pet Car Mats

This one thing that you might find funny but everybody wants this, like you literally won’t be att settled with your dog in the car, those claws on the leather won’t be as nice , but getting a pet car mat indeed is something that would be appreciated.

  1. Repair the Dent

Don’t be surprised yes this goes a long way and something to brag about, nobody likes seeing dents on their car, its one depressing thing for a driver, no matter how old the car might look keeping it looking as new as you got it is a goal and helping that friend achieve that is winner.

  1. Auto Hamper (put it in a basket)

Yes, in a basket, everything accessories that a car needs, buying a maintenance item like engine oil, windshield washer fluid, windshield wiper phone stand and other accessories are really nice but making it amazing is when it’s all put in a basket like an hamper, believe me no one would see it off and u will have the ultimate gift basket for valentine. 

Categories: Cars
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