6 Incredible Ways To Improve Your Appearance

Shot of a handsome young man shaving his facial hair in the bathroom

Many of the most powerful ways to improve your appearance have nothing to do with how much money you have or the genetics that you already have. Let’s hop right into it.

1. Make sure to Wash your stuff

It seems simple right? Well that’s because it is, but most people don’t do it well. Make sure to wash the simple stuff, fill up your pillowcases or clean your towels. You need to grab that musty towel, the towel that already smells bad because you’ve been using it for well over a month and then drying your body over. It doesn’t matter if you apply your best cologne that’s gonna get you compliments because now you have that musky undertone, that’s going to go around with you throughout the day.

2. Make sure that the back of your neck is always tidy

We get it, you probably can’t see it but for almost everybody else it makes a huge difference especially when you wear collared shirts. You want to have clean symmetrical lines back there. That balance is going to be aesthetic, it’s going to improve your appearance. But if it’s all hairy to the point that the hair is tucking behind the collar of your shirt, it’s going to affect how you look whether you like it or not.

3. Fruits and vegetables

For your skin to look great, you should be eating more fruits and vegetables just because it’s healthy for you, But if that’s not enough to make you eat them, you should also know that eating more fruits and vegetables has been proven that after about six weeks, your skin will develop more red and yellow skin tones. In other words, your skin’s going to look rich and vibrant.

4. Fix your tongue position

It’s not that it’s going to make your jaw muscles grow, but just changing your tongue position from being on the bottom of your mouth to the top instantly sharpens your jaw and widens it a little bit because you’re changing the dynamic of how your tongue is sitting in your mouth. That right there gives you the instant definition you need to elevate your appearance.

5. Staying Fit

This is simple but if you want to cut fat, you need to lose that weight and gain muscle. A healthier version of you is going to emerge. You’re going to be like a phoenix rising over everybody. The truth is the formula is simple, there’s an easy way to do this and it’s called caloric deficit. All you need to know is how many calories you burn in a day. To do that, there are online calculators for that. The calculator is going to estimate how many calories you burn in a day. This is called your total daily energy expenditure. What you want to do is eat less calories than that.

6. Get enough sleep

This is the best time to allow your body to restore itself including your hair, your skin and your muscles. Those are the three things that will boost your total appearance. Therefore, you need to get good sleep regularly.

Categories: Grooming
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