AFRICA VS AFRICANS (A Collaborative Photoseries)

Asides Corruption, Nepotism, Terrorism, Injustice and some other major challenges that most of the Africans face, Oyintoke Timilehin Ezekiel also known by his Photography name; Hicees and Nowamagbe Irenuma George(Gregory Nova) decided to spell out some potent crisis that Africans have been imposed to live with without even realising this in some cases.

In this Photo Series, we’ve left our audience with some rhetorical questions in order for them to think about the causes of these problems, We want to know if;

1. These problems are caused because of societal belief

2. We should accept them and continue living with it

3. And lastly, if the coming generations should also partake from the knowledge we’ve grown with, without giving them room for proper orientation. 

Some of the challenges that were discussed in the first episode of the series include;


This is the ability to be physically, emotionally or mentally hurt easily. As a male figure in Africa, there are some stereotypes surrounding them and being “vulnerable” isn’t one of them. When expressiveness is attributed to a man, he is considered to be feminine leaving people with thoughts of them being either a “beta” male or in some cases “homosexuals”. Do you think the way we were brought up prompted this belief? Or maybe it’s the societal norms we were forced to accept?

Photography by Hicees, Creative Direction by Gregory Nova, Style by Gregory Nova, Model; Ogonda Chijioke


It is an African belief that women should be in the kitchen as it is a fundamental duty that women are to be home makers. Regardless of this, our mothers in recent generations have strived to participate in not just our proper upbringing or spiritual life but also in Politics, Empowerment, Education, and other aspects of economic growth and development. 

Photography by Hicees,

Creative Direction by Gregory Nova, Style by Gregory Nova

Models; Odeosa Glory, Jecholiah Timta and Koyinsola

Set Assistance from; Akinkumi Emmanuel and Jessica 


Africa is one of the most populous continents in the world, with little or uneven distribution of resources and wealth thereby leaving a large number of Africans in absolute poverty, the number of people we come across daily begging for aid is saddening. There’s hope for us to prevail over poverty!!

Photography by Hicees 

Creative Direction from Gregory Nova 


Toxic masculinity is a trait that almost all African men possess.Toxic masculinity is a concept used to define unhealthy and often traditional characteristics or attributes associated with men.

From being unemotional and power-hungry to narcissistic and violent, men are oftentimes defined by these outdated and unfounded stereotypes which create an unhealthy and unrealistic understanding of what it means to be a man in today’s society. This may lead to societal problems that includes; gender based violence, sexual assault and gun violence.

Photographed by Hicees

Model; Efetobore Moses

Creative director/ Stylist Gregory Nova 

Assisted by Ayo-Davis and Israel Dennis


A society where the right one is the wrong one, where matters of importance are treated with indifference, that is where we dwell in. Africa lets learn to agree with the positives instead of the negatives, in terms of decision making as it affects each and everyone of us for the same of the forthcoming generations. Let’s stand for what is right!!! AFRICA VS AFRICANS.

Photography by Hicees; Creative Direction by Gregory Nova and Hicees; Styling by Gregory Nova; Model Israel Dennis.

Look forward to more episodes from this series.

Categories: Culture