How to improve memory and concentration

Young and determined black student studying at night at home, with a help of a laptop computer.

Is it true that you can improve your memory? You’ve probably wished that your memory was a little better if you’ve ever forgotten where you put your keys or blanked out knowledge on major tests. There are several things you can do to assist boost your memory, fortunately.

Using a reminder system, for example, can obviously be beneficial. You can keep track of all your appointments and meetings by using an online calendar that sends reminders to your phone. Creating daily to-do lists will help you remember key chores that must be performed.

Memory and concentration act in tandem, but one does not imply the other. Concentration is the process of directing your mental abilities, or efforts, toward a specific activity, subject, or problem. Memory refers to the ability to recall facts, events, and people. There are a few skills that can be learnt to improve concentration and memory. Practicing these abilities is likely to increase a student’s academic success.

We never forget something that has been stored in our brains. However, we may have trouble recalling the facts. It’s also conceivable that the information we’re looking for was never saved in the first place. This program will assist you in comprehending the structure of memory and will also propose some ways to help you improve your memory.

Concentration will help you remember things better. Our efforts will be moderately successful if we only practice abilities that promote memory while ignoring aspects that improve focus. As a result, techniques for boosting concentration will be addressed.

Take a breather

If you have a high working memory capacity, you should have little trouble ignoring distractions and remaining focused on your activities. However, filtering off background distractions can be difficult for the rest of us.

Taking a break from the following distractions may improve your capacity to concentrate, according to research. Controlling when you log in to email — whether for business or personal reasons — and batching messages, among other tactics, could help you increase your productivity on the job.

People who read emails throughout the day were found to switch screens twice as often and to be in a constant state of high alert with a consistent heart rate, according to a research. These people’s heart rates restored to a natural, varied rate when they were removed from email for 5 days.

According to the authors, taking an email vacation reduces stress and enhances concentration and focus.

Find out something new

Muscle strength is similar to memory strength. It gets stronger the more you use it. But you can’t expect to develop stronger by lifting the same weight every day. You’ll need to keep your mind stimulated at all times. Learning a new skill is a fantastic method to improve your memory capacity.

There are numerous things to select from, but the most important thing is to find something that pushes you out of your comfort zone and requires your complete concentration.

Some instances are as follows:

Take up a new musical instrument

Play intellectual games like Sudoku or chess

Learn a new dance style, such as the tango.

Learn a new language

Concentrate Your Attention

One of the most important aspects of memory is attention. You must actively attend to information in order for it to go from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. Make an effort to study in an environment devoid of distractions such as television, music, and other forms of entertainment.

Getting rid of distractions might be difficult, especially if you live with raucous roommates or youngsters.

Request some distance from your housemates or have your partner take the kids for an hour so you can concentrate on your work.

Repeat and retrieve

When you learn a new piece of knowledge, you’re more likely to remember it if you repeat it. The connections we make between neurons are strengthened by repetition. Out loud, repeat what you’ve heard. Put it in a sentence and see what happens. Make a note of it and read it out loud.

The task, however, does not end there. Simple repetition, according to research, is an inefficient learning method when employed alone. You’ll have to sit down again later and deliberately try to recall the material without looking at your notes. It’s better to put yourself to the test to see if you can remember the information than to study again and again. Retrieval practice leads to more lasting and meaningful learning experiences.


You must encode what you are studying into long-term memory in order to recall it. Elaborative rehearsal is one of the most successful encoding techniques.

Reading the definition of a crucial term, studying the definition, and then reading a more extensive description of what that term means is an example of this strategy. You’ll probably realize that recalling the knowledge is significantly easier after repeating this technique a few times.

Use of social media

The temptation to check personal social media accounts can be great, yet research shows that accessing social media during work hours has detrimental implications.

Around 2.8 billion people use social media worldwide, and many of them use it for personal reasons while at work. Using social media during work hours has been shown to have a negative impact on self-reported work performance and concentration, as well as the organization’s overall well-being.

Fighting the impulse to check social media while trying to concentrate will help you be more productive and focused.

The bottom line

Our memory is a skill that may be developed with practice and good general habits, just like any other skill. You can begin with simple steps. Pick a new demanding activity to learn, exercise for a few minutes each day, stick to a sleep routine, and eat more green vegetables, fish, and nuts, for example.

Try one of the memory champions’ recommended tactics, such as chunking, mind palaces, or retrieval, the next time you have to study for an exam.

If you discover that you’re making a lot more mistakes than normal or have problems accomplishing simple daily tasks like cooking or cleaning, talk to your doctor.

Related: Incredibly simple habits that will absolutely change your life

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