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How To Lose Belly Fat For Men

Is it time for you to get rid of your belly fat, guys? Do you feel like your waistline is ballooning out of control? You’re not alone if you answered yes. Weight gain in the midriff is common among men. However, determining the best approach for guys to decrease belly fat can be difficult because specialists sometimes differ.

Diet and exercise, as you might think, are key components of the ideal belly fat reduction program. But you might be surprised to learn that your program should begin with a visit to your doctor.

Why Should You Get Rid of Your Belly Fat?

If you’re overweight, you should probably try to shrink your total body size. However, abdominal fat is deserving of extra attention. Holding abdominal fat can be particularly harmful to your health, according to research.

Numerous studies have found a link between a larger waist circumference and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and other illnesses such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

So, when it comes to size, how big is too big? According to the National Institutes of Health, if you measure your belly button right above your hip bones and it’s over 40 inches (35 inches for ladies), you’re at risk for certain diseases.

Health Effects

Even if your BMI is acceptable, several studies suggest that carrying excess weight around your waist, especially as we age, can be troublesome. An analysis of almost 100,000 men and women aged 50 and up found that an increased waist circumference was linked to a higher risk of death in older adults, regardless of BMI.

Of all, your waist circumference is just one of the factors your doctor may consider when assessing your overall risk for various medical concerns. However, if you and your doctor agree that belly obesity puts you at risk for heart disease or even death, that may be all the motivation you need to lose weight.

Exercise vs. Diet

So, what’s the greatest technique to get rid of that belly fat? The answer, predictably, demands special attention to both diet and exercise. But which factor is more important?

Diet interventions are more effective for weight loss if you only have one option. The calories you consume are more essential than the calories you lose in the short term (3-6 months). 

That isn’t to say that you should use your diet as an excuse to skip your workouts. A healthy workout plan is extremely necessary if you want to achieve long-term weight loss results.

Getting Rid of Belly Fat 

Getting a lean body necessitates a combination of cardio and weight training.

The combination of strength training and cardio keeps the body anticipating and adapting to the challenges it faces. HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is very good for burning fat and reducing abdominal fat.

Is this to say you should avoid doing those trendy stomach curls? No, not at all. It takes more than just doing a bunch of situps to get terrific abs. The entire body should be involved in abdominal exercise.

Plank exercises are a great technique to improve all of your core muscles. The plank engages a large number of muscles at the same time. It’s a far more comprehensive workout than abdominal crunches or sit-ups.


It’s not only about the diet or the workout. Trimming your waistline may help you live longer. To get thin and keep fit for life, talk to your doctor and build a lifelong plan of good diet and intense activity.

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